Hello folks!
I wanted to drop by and let you know that eventually I will remove this blog from the internet as it is no longer my online home.
My new home is at http://www.cherrymenlove.com/ and my new blog can be found at http://www.cherrymenlove.com/blog/
It's early days over there but I'm having a great time and I really hope you like what you see and read. I'm still finding my feet and my voice but I'm loving having everything I do under one roof online and it was more than worth the risk.
I have not deleted any of the Tales from Pixie Wood posts but have both them and all of the comments left over the years safely stored in a file. I hope to upload this archive to my new site one day soon.
So, thank you for visiting me here but I've left the building. I'm now in another one and it feels so much like home that I promise never to leave.
See you over there!
Lots of love